Fundraising Idea

Fundraising participants will need to raise a minimum of £250 and engage their friends, family and wider network to raise as much as possible for our charities.

  • Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated any simple idea can make a difference.

Cake Sale, Car Boots Sale, Disco, BBQ, Tea Party at (Church – Synagogue – Mosque – Temple, etc), Evening Party, Quiz night, wash the dishes for a month.  Be creative.

  • Relax and enjoy every moment.
  • Don’t put pressure on yourself of the amount of fund you’ll like to raise.
  • Don’t forget to ask your sponsors to tick the gift aid box
  • Don’t stop talking about your project and what you want to archive. You’ll be amaze how people want to help.  Use ‘face book’, ‘twitter’ and email.
  • Be organised and don’t be scare to ask you help
  • Thank you is easy to say
Contact Us

If you have any questions or any suggestions please do not hesitate to leave us a message.

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